**Theory of Lodestar** Hamza El-Kebir In the articles linked below, the theory used by Lodestar's many components is described. The goal is for the interested user to gain a deeper understanding of the way in which Lodestar operates, with the hope that Lodestar becomes less of a black box system. Ultimately, we want users to be able to use Lodestar with confidence, which can only truly happen if users are familiar with the theory underpinning the code that they are using, and any shortcomings thereof. A full page with all articles combined [can be found here](complete). (#) Contents - [**Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controllers**](pid): On PID controllers and their sampled-data implementation at varying degrees of accuracy. - [**Discretization**](discretization): On discretization and continuization of linear time-invariant systems.